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100percent design

Sept 19, 2019 0 comments

Visiting 100percent design gave me the chance to catch up with some new ideas but also to explore how people continue to face the expo layout challenge.
Having done a few of these in my life (while working at architectural offices and nawic ldn) I am too aware that location is key but there are many other challenges the average visitor does not know about and cannot appreciate when going around as their interest peeks or drops

Yesterday I felt that this is an on going problem preventing some exhibitors get value out of their visit

When you have a healthy budget to get space, you can do proposals like the joined and jointed pavilion which felt very much like a place in tune with the beautiful items they displayed ...when you have a small budget however, you keep being sent to a narrow corridor where people don't look for you.

So, from the humble insta of this Architect, I would like to suggest that 100percent design thinks of smaller companies in the same way as street food does of traders . Like rough diamonds to be curated and supported.

I am very happy to further discuss what this could mean, should you be interested but I feel it is a wasted opportunity for a "design led" event to simply follow the pattern of any other trade event and not look for innovative solutions to overcome the cloak of invisibility

Ps. The central bar by benjamin stanton design was made out of waste denim donated by levis and although different to his concept it was still interesting...I only wished the carpet would have remained plain all the way round to draw the eye towards the denim... Also interesting the Design Fresh selection of designers ...which you can easily miss but shouldn't (it is the brightly coloured corridor on the way in and out) and if you like display box approaches there are plenty to go around too ... from OTT to minimalist

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