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Pantheon of Paris

Feb 27, 2023 0 comments

In the past twenty years we have grown accustomed to see religious buildings which had fallen in disrepair or disuse being sold on and trans...

kodawari ramen (Tsukiji) , Paris

Feb 25, 2023 0 comments

  Every time we go to Paris we tend to go to an udo restaurant we love called ​@Kunitoraya.(if you scroll a bit to christmas 2019 you can fi...

Cezanne at the Tate Modern

Feb 22, 2023 0 comments

On Sunday we managed to sneak in some time to visit the Cezanne exhibition at Tate a nd it was brilliant.  I have been lucky enough to see a...

Bourse de Commerce in Paris

Feb 21, 2023 0 comments

  Located in central Paris, the historic Bourse de Commerce building reopened its doors in the spring of 2021 after being transformed by Jap...

Small is preferable

Feb 19, 2023 0 comments

It is known that the construction industry in the UK has been losing skilled workers to retirement faster than it has been able to attract n...

Blast from the past

Feb 11, 2023 0 comments

  Last night I went out with a dear friend who I worked with over twenty years ago.  Strangely enough, only a couple of days earlier, I had ...

La Gamba

Feb 10, 2023 0 comments

What does an architect do? This was a question a person waiting for a bus at Kingston station asked me back in 1999. It was a surprising q...

The value of the unusual : jewellery making workshop

Jan 15, 2023 0 comments

  (post from Earlier in the week , architect and designer Cristina Lanz Azcarate delivered this sold out workshop as part of N...

Visions of Orisha

Dec 18, 2022 0 comments

I don't know if you are familiar with Flannels but they are a rather cool outfit full of well known high end brands curated with a very ...

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