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Rosco de reyes

Jan 6, 2020 0 comments


In many countries Christmas has 12 days the English 1780 song... And in the final one, today, children wake up to find the gifts of the three wise men .

It is also the day when families eat some celebratory cake until their hearts are contempt ... in France (and French influence countries) Galette des rois, in Spain (and countries which were "influenced" by Spain) roscón/rosco/rosca de reyes (an enriched bread)

Both contain a secret gift hidden inside but while finding the figurine will grant you luck and the title of king for a day, in Spain you also get an additional "surprise" : a dry broad bean which will determine who has to buy the next cake... in my family the latter served just as a disappointment but in my mom's office, as people tried to avoid having to pay, people often choked while trying to swallow it with a straight face to avoid being caught.

I now live in London where ordering one requires a level of organisation I cannot fit in my everyday... Hence, it is easier to make one.

This is the one I made this year .

Today, I will join the festivities...even if it is from the distance.
Felices Reyes! * * * * *

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