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Serpentine Pavilion 2022

Oct 29, 2022 0 comments

It's been a few weeks since the 2022 serpentine pavilion closed and I just realised I never shared in a post the photos I took when I visited it over the summer. 

There were plenty of things I found interesting about the Theaster Gates proposal. For example, that rather than an architect, an artist was in charge of designing the building. 

This rescued the dialogue away from ambitious architectural debates among those who saw the temporary structure as a vehicle of change to address issues far too complicated to be tackled through a humble summer pavilion. 

That said, prior to Covid, pavilions had become more and more complex and as much as it was interesting to visit them, they seemed to have become unnecessarily complex. 

Las year change commenced and I enjoyed seeing the pavilion reach out to communities beyond the serpentine and connecting multiple locations across town through the temporary structure. 

This year i loved the idea of creating a quiet and reflective space within an all embracing structure at the heart of the city. A place to escape from the noise that has now returned to our lives. I also appreciated, the opportunity taken by the artist to "honour labor and making" ... specially after two years where the majority of the digitalised world has increased their consumption from the comfort of their homes while makers and trades continued to create and shape our cities. 

What was your impression?

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