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Who do architects think about when designing a building?

Oct 23, 2022 0 comments


Not an Instagram worthy. Picture right? Allow me to explain... 

This is the front door of someone's home , in a street where the bus runs through...I.e. not quiet ... A glazed panel/ door combo fronting a street? You may wonder... 

Yes. Clear glass , and a large clear window on its right side in a newish development in London that houses a community that is very private ... And since moved in live behind permanently closed curtains If it seems to be an oversight by the council and their architect, allow me to share that many planners demand that residential units (people's homes ) are set on the ground floor and have large windows to (they claim) provide. "natural" surveillance from within the property.... 

Ignoring completely the diversity of needs of the community that will live in those buildings and the fact that the privacy curtains will prevent "surveillance". You will not be surprised if I tell you that I did not see the community represented in the project's cgis when those became public. 

Another disappointing thing to notice is the lack of awareness regarding accessibility... The Invisible signage which is so unfit for purpose that the occupiers have taken upon themselves to improve on is a great example ... In case you wonder, this is just one of many customised doors. 

Nobody is perfect and in our line of work we depend enormously on the type of clients we work with and the contractors who deliver the projects...however , as architects, the least we can do is to remember that the buildings we design are for others to live in and that they should be designed for them to live their best lives independently. 

Bottom line is this: who cares that you commission a stone carved number or building name rather than use an off the shelf one if the postman cannot see it?


Ps I cropped as much as possible the image to make it more abstract .hope you can see the elements mentioned above still

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