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Egunon guztioi.

Nov 3, 2022 0 comments


(Translate if you need, and don't give up reading... there are worthy Easter Eggs at the end) 

Gaur euskaraz idatziko dut. Zergatik? Ingalaterran bizi naizenetik sarritan euskara ta gaztelania nola diren ezberdinak galdetu didatelako. Ta gaur, Zumaian ateratako argazki hau ikustean , ezberdintasunak mezu honen bidez erakustea erabaki dut. 

Espanian bizi diren guziok, euskara ulertzeko, gaztelaniaz hitz egiten ez dela nahikoa dakite. Baina hemen, Euskera katalana eta galegoa bezalako latin hizkuntza dela askok uste dute. 

Urte hauetan, neuk esandakoa "itzultzeko", euskaraz hitz egitea eskatu didatenok ezagutu ditut. Ta imajina dezakezue, itzulpena egiteko gai den bakarra izan arren, askok ez nindutela sinistu. 

Beraz, hemen gaude, mezu honekin, bakoitzak beren ondorioak atera ditzan. Irudia, 2022 udan itsasontzi batetik atera nuen argazkia da. Zumaiako Flysch-a erakusten du eta ezagutu behar duzuen proiektu bati buruz hitz egiteko aukera ematen dit. 

OK, back to English. 

When we were children and went to the beach, we used to carry very distinctive pattern towels in order to easily navigate our way back from the water. (Anyone living in a city with a beach, I am sure, will know that the tourist crowds seem to arrive at the beach at the exact time you are swimming, making it difficult to locate your belongings. ) 

A bright red one was always the choice for some of my friends. However, you might ask... what would happen if all the towels were red? They would clearly no longer be a way finding tool, and instead, they would become a homogenous human-made surface that would contrast with its natural environment and reshape it. 

If you are curious about what I am talking about, google Playa+Maider+Lopez and see for yourself. (you can also find her in IG, for more recent work) 

Ps. If the rocks seem family game of thrones was recorded here Some of you have told me that you like when I create this connections to artists, resources etc... please keep sharing feedback #

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