Last night I went out with a dear friend who I worked with over twenty years ago.
Strangely enough, only a couple of days earlier, I had walked past the first ever job I did for the company where we both met on my way to site.
I was a student at the time and the company used to ask me to provide remote support by surveying building/details of projects that the architectural team were working on, drafting them in Vectorworks (a programme I learned by doing so) and bringing them to the office in (hold on to your pants) 25MB USB memory stick!
I realise that this remote working is quite normal now, however, at the time it was rather unusual if super helpful to the team. The measuring was by hand, digital cameras had just become half decent and the internet was snail slow.
It was also an opportunity that came up at the register wedding of another close friend and eventually became an actual job .
The project, on the right of the image, has since been fully transformed, as has the rest of the station. The thing people might not be aware of is that such works have completely transformed the accessibility across the site and the awkward stairs leading to the door are thankfully gone.
Most of us would not even think about accessibility but it is important that we try to notice these things , especially those of us who are part of the industry, for us to continue to shape the built environment in a way that benefits everyone.