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Cezanne at the Tate Modern

Feb 22, 2023 0 comments

On Sunday we managed to sneak in some time to visit the Cezanne exhibition at Tate and it was brilliant. 

I have been lucky enough to see a considerable amount of his work throughout my life and was not sure what to expect (I never read about exhibitions before visiting them to stay away from others' opinions... I find this to be very useful when looking at art) 

There were many things I liked (these images are just a small selection) but my favourite one was that for the first time, and thanks to the curation of the works, I was able to get a glimpse into his processes. His technical process and his growth as an artist. 

For those of you who I shared the first years of architecture school with... 

This exhibition would have been the perfect footprint for Dibujo 1&2 For the rest , when we studied architecture, in Donosti, we had two years of drawing where we were taught to draw, statues and draping cloth, in a very factual manner for hours.  

I personally never felt encouraged to find my own graphic voice (which looking at it rationally should have been the purpose of the exercise) but simply to stay on the line and do the exercise... 

Watching the back and forth between techniques and themes and how this transformed the way the artist revisited similar them over time was inspiring.  

Looking at each piece individually was also enlightening. In the times we live when life is so busy that we continuously are pushed into finding shortcuts, this exhibition provides both a shortcut to make sense of the artist's work and proof that there is no such a thing as a shortcut when it comes to committing to  a craft. 

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