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The value of the unusual : jewellery making workshop

Jan 15, 2023 0 comments


(post from

Earlier in the week , architect and designer Cristina Lanz Azcarate delivered this sold out workshop as part of NAWIC London’s Circular Economy awareness calendar.

It was a brilliant evening hosted by Clarke Willmott who made it very easy for us to be able to concentrate in making sure we were able to look after attendees by creating a brilliant set up… in a wonderful location.

We were very touched to see the enthusiasm of all attendees who embraced the challenge and, after Cristina’s presentation, had a go at creating a necklace inspired by Anni Albers and a bracelet designed for the event by Cristina.

Just like Cristina did in 2018 , attendees learned the techniques Albers used in her pieces and had a go! They also experienced with some additional ones aimed at demonstrating how everyday items and waste can be transformed into conversation pieces. A string of jersey, a circular cut of an old pair of stockings and recycled paper pulp were among the materials attendees were encouraged to play with.

We heard some plan visits to their local DIY stores, others define sliding knots as magic, many come together to support each other through the process and through the study of the examples available to look at…

We loved to see their faces as they proudly admired the fruit of their work and were able to feel something like what Albers must have felt when creating her prototypes with one of her students.

As the group of volunteers that we are, it was all very encouraging.

At the event we explained that in order to rebuild our network, we will be offering free memberships for the region in 2023 and attendees were very excited and encouraged by the opportunity to participate in the forthcoming year programme as members. We have since created a form that can be found HERE for those who want to join in.

For those of you who could not make it, please find:

1. Cristina’s presentation HERE

2. Pictures from the event (taken by Rosemary Silver, Karen Rothwell and Maria Lain) 

The NAWIC London and Southeast team


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