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Embrace peer networking

Oct 30, 2022 0 comments


Earlier in the week I attended an event where I was able to catch-up with some of my acquaintances from across the industry . 

We had some very interesting discussions about the future of the built environment, the impact of global politics, sustainability and the digital world. And for the first time, members outside the committee proposed a strategy to address an issue that @nawicldn the association where I've volunteering for the past 9 years has been struggling with from the start. 

The association was set up a long time ago to support women working in construction. However, most of those who came seeking help to address a career challenge they were facing, moved on and rarely returned once they acquired the tools to do so. So did the leadership after stepping down. 

Because of this, the seniority within the network was missing and for the few who stayed the opportunities for peer support were very limited. 

Personally I am lucky to have access to peer support via fellow professionals and professional networks as well as good friends who run businesses, however , I have been very aware that not everyone does and as they say leadership can be a lonely place. 

This is why i was very happy to be approached at this event by members who are not part of the committee but have grown in seniority and want to remain connected to the group and support the new comers but also to support each other. 

They brought some great ideas to the table and The current Chair Annie Cliff and I will be looking into with the view to offering them to NAWICLDN members . 

I am sharing this here for two reasons: 

1. To encourage you to join a peer network ASAP.(whatever your sector and level) because as they say, if you want to go there quick go alone ,if you want to go far find a team. 

2. To ask that if you would be interested in keeping up to date with our progress you message @nawicldn

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